“True failure, is when you know… you haven’t done enough.” – Chris Jamieson, 2017
Grades, pass or fail. They have as little effect on me as the grade itself. The whole point of graphic design is the work and if the work speaks for itself then grades don’t matter – in my opinion.
People have this vision of grades, marks whatever you want to call them, that there are so important to yourself. Yes they are important when you are applying for the job, or is it. Let’s use some of my own experience, I was never the brightest or best at Academy education, I never got a higher in school, I barely got intermediates. Now am doing a BA in college. Even the lecturer at the college am currently studying at, was on the fence about letting me in because of my grades… But I believe I have proved myself this far.
So grades are important if you make them important. If you think about the grade more than the work, then your work will potentially not be as good, therefore not getting a good grade. If you believe in the work that you have done and you have pushed it as far as it could go, then no matter what outcome, you would be happy with it, because you put all your effort into the final result.
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